With the opening up of Bhutan for visitors on 23rd September 2022, the Tourism Policy of Bhutan now permits visitors to stay longer in Bhutan, thus more time to experience Bhutan.
Tourists can now get a Bhutan Visa for 90 Days and if they wish to stay longer,the visa can be renewed case by case.
Staying in Bhutan for long duration can be a time to relax and recover from your daily schedule. Live among the locals and enjoy what the Bhutanese enjoy but take for granted, the beautiful nature surrounding them, the peace and fresh air.
Build friendship with the vegetable vendor and adopt a stray dog or cat..
Enjoy Trekking and take daily hikes into the forests or mountains nearby, or among the city dwellers after all, Bhutan with a population of just over 0.7 million or 7 lakhs, there will not be a crowd any where you go.